Deliberate Risk Management

The Five Steps

Risk Management in CAP is a five-step deliberate decision-making process that CAP performs before, during and after every activity and mission. The circular figure symbolizes that the RM process is perpetually on-going.


The CAPF 160

Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet


The CAPF 160 Deliberate Risk Management Worksheet assists with the systematic process of identifying and mitigating potential failure points in UAS flight operations.

CAPF 160’s are required by our CAPR 160-1 Safety Regulation to be completed before non-WMIRS sUAS activities, like sUAS training events approved through Aerospace Education (AE) Event Planning for Unit-Level sUAS Training. AZWG members upload them as part of the OPSS process.

These forms can be re-used indefinitely for perpetual activities, you just need to update them periodically to reflect evolving risk factors as time goes on.

Example CAPF 160 for Routine sUAS Training

Included below is a copy of actual CAPF 160s we use in AZWG to get routine approval of ongoing, perpetually approved sUAS training operations. The PDF Classroom copy of this exact, completed form is attached below to give you a template to start from.

CAPF160_(Classroom Copy).pdf

