1. Requirements for Pilot Endorsements

Recreational Pilot Instructor Pilot Check Pilot Check Pilot Examiner
Online CAPR 70-4 Test (in Absorb) Within 60 days Within 60 days Within 60 days Within 60 days
Proof of membership (CAP ID Card) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Logbook with flight hours 1hr 7.5hrs 15hrs 20hrs
FAA TRUST exam ✔️
FAA 107 License and Renewal Info ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
National Check Pilot Standardization Course (NCPSC) Last 4 years Last 4 years
Taking the CAPF 70-5U in another Wing? Requires:

Approval from the Standardization and Evaluation Officer (DOV) in the examinee’s assigned (home) wing to take a Form 70-5U in another wing.

Counter sUAS is excluded from this requirement. | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |

2. Requirements for Airframe Endorsements

Rotary Wing Complex Wing Fixed Wing
CAPF 70-5Q-U Questionnaire X X X
Logbook Hours not specified 4 hours not specified

3. The CAPF 70-5Q-U Questionnaire

Each CAPF 70-5U evaluation must also include one questionnaire filled out for each airframe you are getting an endorsement for. This questionnaire is then uploaded to eServices under Pilot Files when the check pilot submits all paperwork.

Upgraded CAPF 70-5Q-U (sUAS Questionnaire)