Absorb is the Learning Management System (LMS) CAP uses for professional development. There are several tests relevant to sUAS in this LMS.
Follow the Gif below to find and enter Absorb. Once you get to “Catalog”, look for the icons / exam names you need, as shown in Steps 2 and 3 on this page.
This is a 50 question test within the Absorb LMS. The exam’s subject matter is sourced from CAPR 70-1 Flight Management. You must pass this exam in order to unlock the sUAS-specific exam in step 3.
<aside> 💡 When taking the exam, have CAPR 70-1 Flight Management pulled up on your computer and use the “Find” feature to hunt for answers.
This is a 10 question test within the Absorb LMS.
It stays active for 60 days and must be current at time of examination.